South West Chiropractic South West Chiropractic

What is a Healthy Gut?

The microbiome is the community of bacteria that we have within our gut, mostly within the large bowel. The microbiome has an effect throughout the body including digestion, immunity, inflammation and mental health

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South West Chiropractic South West Chiropractic

What is Dry Needling?

You may have heard of it, but what on earth is dry needling?

Dry needling is an effective treatment for myofascial muscular pain.

Dry needling stimulates muscle trigger points with fine filament needles to reduce muscular pain and dysfunction.

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South West Chiropractic South West Chiropractic

The Importance of Exercise During and After Pregancy

Pregnancy and childbirth have a major impact on a woman’s body, both internally and externally. During pregnancy, every system is affected, including respiratory, cardiac/circulatory, hormonal and musculoskeletal.

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