



What is Pilates?

Pilates uses exercises in helping treat and, most importantly, prevent back pain, neck pain, shoulder and arm pain, and hip and knee pain. It can also improve posture and muscle tone, provide greater flexibility and increase balance.


How does Pilates Work?

Our bodies are made up of various layers of muscles from superficial to deep. Standard exercise (working out at the gym) predominantly works our superficial muscles e.g. biceps, hamstrings. Pilates targets our deep core muscles e.g. pelvic floor and deep abdominals. These deep muscles aid in stability around the joints of the body and are often very weak, leaving our joints vulnerable to injury.

Pilates aims to improve the body’s control and stability of the abdominal, pelvic floor, diaphragm and deep stabilizing back muscles and to help promote injury prevention.


What we offer at South West Chiropractic.

When you begin your reformer Pilates journey with us and you have no Pilates experience you will receive a one-on-one assessment with Monica. This will assess your posture, core strength, muscular strengths and weaknesses, and joint movements.

After this assessment, we will find a suitable class for you to join.

We have a maximum of 5 people in a group class and these run for 45mins.

If you need to cancel your Pilates group class please give us as much notice as possible. Please be aware that if we have cancellations resulting in 2 or less participants that class will be canceled for that week.


Class Timetable


8:00am Group Pilates

9:00am Group Pilates

6:00pm Group Pilates

7:00pm Group Pilates


6:15pm Group Pilates


8:00am Group Pilates

9:00am Group Pilates

5.15pm Group Pilates

6.15pm Group Pilates


5:15pm Group Pilates

6:15pm Group Pilates


1:00pm Group Pilates

2:00pm Pre & Post Natal Pilates

3.00pm Group Pilates


7:00am Group Pilates

8:00am Group Pilates

Pilates Fees

Initial Assessment $60/$70

Group Pilates $25

Please enquire at reception for vacancies in our classes