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Our Services
Chiropractic Care
At South West Chiropractic Warrnambool and Port Fairy, we pride ourselves in delivering chiropractic treatments that offer relief, comfort, mobility and optimal performance.
Our bodies are made up of various layers of muscles from superficial to deep. Standard exercise (working out at the gym) predominantly works our superficial muscles e.g. biceps, hamstrings. Pilates targets our deep core muscles e.g pelvic floor, deep abdominals. These deep muscles aid in stability around the joints of the body and are often very weak, leaving our joints vulnerable to injury.
Myotherapy & Remedial Massage
Myotherapy and Remedial Massage target muscles and ligaments to restore proper function. As a branch of manual medicine, this form of therapy focuses on preventing, treating and managing musculoskeletal pain.
Dry Needling
Dry needling targets hypertonic muscles, trigger points, and ligaments to release and relieve pain. Dry needling is not the same as acupuncture (although they are the same needles, the therapeutic aim is different).
Find us
37 Wentworth Street
Victoria, 3280
Our Hours
Mon - Thur 9am till 6pm
Friday 9am till 3pm
Saturday 9am till 11am